On Methods for
Genetic Algorithms
This memo is based on a literature review I conducted as part of my bachelor’s thesis, “Positioning Individuals in a Genogram”. The greater part of that research was based on the work by Sivanandam and Deepa.1 Unless indicated differently, the methodes listed here can be found in their work.
A Genetic Algorithm (GA) operates on the principle of evolutionary theory: a problem is solved by selecting desirable traits for the next generation of solutions and allowing a limited amount of mutations.
There are no specific requirements for the type of problem that can be solved with a GA, making it a powerful tool for optimising solutions. A GA evolves one or more generations of potential solutions through selection, crossover, and mutation to reach an optimal result, as illustrated in Figure 1.
In this memo, I illustrate the workings of various GA methods using a visual language I developed, as shown in Figure 1. In this visual language, solutions are represented as coloured circles, where the colour represents a particular fitness value. The fitness value of the solutions is determined by the colour of the circle, which in turn is defined by three properties: red , green , and blue . For convenience, these three properties can be noted together as . The values of these properties all fall within the range , as illustrated in Figure 2. The fitness value reaches its maximum of when and its minimum of when . This means that solutions with different colour values can have the same fitness value, but this does not present an issue for the examples included here. Formally, the fitness value can be determined based on the colour value as follows:
In some cases, it is desirable to display the different properties (red, green, and blue) separately. In such cases, they are placed in this order from top to bottom and outlined in black. An example of this can be seen in Figure 3.
It should be noted that the problem of finding the color black is not complex at all, and does not warrant the use of a complicated solution-finding algorithm such as a GA. Of course, in the case of this memo, it only serves as a way to make the algorithm’s methods comprehensible.
During the selection step of a GA, solutions are chosen based on their fitness value, after which a new generation of solutions is generated. Several methods are available for this purpose, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
Roulette Wheel Selection
In this method, solutions are selected at random, with the probability of selection being proportional to the solution’s fitness value. The generation of solutions is represented as a roulette wheel, where segments vary in size depending on the fitness value. This method can sometimes lead to premature convergence, causing the algorithm to get stuck in a local optimum. A visual example can be seen in Figure 4.
Rank Selection
Solutions are ranked according to fitness, from lowest to highest. Selection then takes place via a Roulette Wheel Selection based on the position in the sorted list of solutions. This method reduces the risk of premature convergence and ensures more balanced selection pressure. An illustration is included in Figure 5.
Stochastic Universal Sampling
A variant of Roulette Wheel Selection, this method selects solutions using evenly distributed “pointers.” The result is a uniform selection process with fewer deviations and a higher reliability of convergence. For a selection size of , the pointers are placed at a distance of from one another. The first pointer is randomly placed within the range , as illustrated in Figure 6.
Tournament Selection
A subset of the population is randomly selected, and the solution with the best fitness value is included in the selection. By adjusting the size of the subset, the selection pressure can be influenced. An example of this selection method is shown in Figure 7.
Boltzmann Selection
This method is based on “simulated annealing,” which simulates the cooling of temperature. As the GA progresses, the selection pressure increases, allowing more room in the early stages to explore solutions outside of a local optimum. For each generation , solution is selected if its fitness value is greater than or equal to the highest fitness value from the previous generation: . If this is not the case, there is still a chance that will be selected:
is the maximum value of , i.e., the maximum number of generations. By setting the parameter within the range and within the range , this selection method can be configured. To prevent losing a local optimum that may later turn out to be a global optimum, this method can be combined with “elitism,” where the best results are preserved until the end of the GA.
Crossover combines the characteristics of two different solutions to generate new solutions. Each crossover method affects the diversity and completeness of the search space differently.
Single Point Crossover
In this method, both solutions are split at the same point into two parts. Offspring are created by combining one part from one parent with the other part from the other parent. Although this method is simple to implement, it significantly limits the exploration of the search space.2 An illustration of this method is shown in Figure 8.
Multi-Point Crossover
This method is similar to Single Point Crossover but differs in that the solutions are split at multiple points, as seen in Figure 9. Offspring are created by alternating parts from both parents. With more splitting points, a larger portion of the search space is explored.
Uniform Crossover
In Uniform Crossover, the crossover is performed based on a binary mask that is the same size as the number of properties in the solutions. Depending on the binary values in the mask, the property is inherited from one parent (0) or the other (1). This method introduces a high degree of randomness but also increases the likelihood of suboptimal solutions.
Three Parent Crossover
In this method, the properties of two solutions are compared and inherited by the offspring if they are identical. If the values differ, the property is inherited from a third parent. This prevents the creation of suboptimal combinations of properties. An illustration of this method is provided in Figure 10.
Reduced Surrogate Crossover
Splitting points are placed where the solutions differ from each other. This guarantees that the next generation always consists of unique solutions.
Before applying Single Point Crossover, the properties of the solutions are randomly shuffled. This adds an extra layer of randomness, ensuring that a larger part of the search space is explored, but it also increases the likelihood of suboptimal results. See Figure 11 for an illustration.
Mutation involves making random changes to the new generation of solutions. This increases diversity and prevents the GA from getting stuck in a local optimum. Depending on the problem being solved, various methods are available.
This method is only applicable to binary-type genes, where the value of random genes in the chromosome is “flipped”, i.e., a 0 becomes a 1 and vice versa.
Two properties of a solution are randomly selected, and their values are swapped. This method is particularly effective in situations where the order of elements is important, such as in task prioritisation or route optimisation.
The order of the properties in a solution is completely reversed, altering the solution while preserving all existing values. This method is effective for problems like the “Travelling Salesman”.
Specialised Mutation (Owais-Snasel Method)
This method, developed by Owais and Snasel, is used for optimising a lattice.2 The -coordinate of nodes in the lattice is mutated, but this can also be extended to the -coordinate. It is therefore highly suitable for coordinate-based problems.
After the offspring of the selected solutions have been generated and mutated, they must replace solutions from the previous generation. Several approaches are available for this, depending on the desired balance between innovation and the preservation of good traits.
Generational Replacement
The entire parent generation is replaced by the offspring generated from them. This ensures complete renewal with each iteration of the GA, resulting in a high degree of genetic diversity. However, there is a risk of losing good solutions.
Steady-State Replacement
Replacement is based on the fitness values of the parent generation. Only poorly performing solutions are replaced by offspring. This allows good traits to be preserved for longer, leading to a more gradual evolution. By adjusting the number of solutions to be replaced and the threshold for replacement, this method can be configured.
The solutions with the highest fitness values are retained. At the end of the GA, these can be presented as the final result if the last generation does not contain better solutions. This ensures that good solutions are never lost, and it encourages risk-taking during crossover, mutation, and replacement.
Random Immigrants
During replacement, not only are offspring from the previous generation added, but also new, randomly generated solutions. This introduces new genetic variants that may not have arisen from the existing genetic material.
To terminate the GA, one or more stopping criteria must be met. The criteria used depend on the application for which the algorithm is being used. Below are some common stopping criteria.
- Maximum Generations
The algorithm stops after a predetermined number of generations. - Sufficient Solutions
The algorithm stops when a solution that meets a predetermined minimum fitness value is found. - Convergence
The algorithm stops when the population converges, i.e., when diversity among the solutions decreases and individuals start to resemble each other. - No Improvement
The algorithm stops when no significant improvements are observed in the best solution for a certain number of generations. This can occur when the best fitness value remains stable or oscillates within certain bounds.
S.N. Sivanandam & S.N. Deepa. “Introduction to Genetic Algorithms”. 2008. ISBN: 978-3-642-09224-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73190-0. ↩
S. Owais & V. Snasel. “Usage of Genetic Algorithm for Lattice Drawing”. 2005. ↩↩